
For anyone looking for a slightly more advanced analysis:

Colossians 3:16: ~O lo,goj tou/ Cristou/ evnoikei,tw evn u`mi/n plousi,wj( evn pa,sh sofi,a dida,skontej kai. nouqetou/ntej e`autou,j( yalmoi/j u[mnoij wvdai/j pneumatikai/j evn Îth/Ð ca,riti a;dontej evn tai/j kardi,aij u`mw/n tw/ qew/\

The word SPIRITUAL (in bold red Greek font) describes all three titles. Thus, we could translate the verse "...Spiritual Songs, Spiritual Hymns, and Spiritual Songs". The Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs are ALL "of the Spirit"; they are all inspired by the Spirit. It is more than safe to infer that Paul is describing the 150 Psalms of David here, since human hymns are not inspired.

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